INTENT How to buy

Thank you for your interest in the INTENT token investment.

The actual token purchase process consists of four simple steps:

  • You will need the appropriate amount of allowed cryptocurrencies to purchase Intent tokens. You can purchase them within the TENT app if necessary For purchases over 10.000 USD, you will need a referral code that you will receive by installing the TENT app after completing registration.
  • To receive intent tokens, you will need a metamask wallet, which you can easily install by following the process below.
  • You will need to transfer tokens to the TENT app or chosen Exchange ( Q3 2023 ) to sell or use INTENT tokens.

INTENT Token Purchase

INTENT tokens can be purchased only with USDT, USDC, BTC or ETH crypto. If you do not own any of these you will need to purchase the requested amount first via metamask wallet or TENT app.

Installing and setting up MetaMask and INTENT token wallet

Intent Wallets

Intent Wallets

Intent Wallets

Intent Wallets

Intent Wallets

Intent Wallets

Intent Wallets

Intent Wallets

Intent Wallets

Intent Wallets

Configuring Wallet

Intent Wallets

Intent Wallets

Intent Wallets

If you’re creating a new wallet, click the [Create a Wallet] button. You can also import an old wallet using its seed phrase with the [Import wallet] option.

Adding INTENT tokens to MetaMask

There is the INTENT contract and details of the token you’d need to add. Contract: 0x5918Fa85f0a3DdC00Ce145CBA21D5540d25c5cc7 Token symbol: INTENT Decimals: 8

Intent Wallets

Intent Wallets

Intent Wallets
How to Buy Purchasing Manual